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05-12-2006 04:31 PM Mr Biglesworth
I like it
05-12-2006 04:10 PM Optimus Funk
Poseidon fucking has a teaser for Snakes on a Plane!!, So you have to go see it if just for that!
05-12-2006 03:58 PM Jesse
This sucks.
05-12-2006 01:30 PM GT2000
not a huge selection of movies at the cinema cafe this week...poisedon, rv..silent thinks silent hill
05-12-2006 01:03 PM GT2000
nice...i'm gonna get drunk tonight, no early mornin boozin fer me :/
05-12-2006 12:48 PM squirrels2nuts
rainday! drunk before noon
05-12-2006 11:50 AM thecreeper
who's hungover?? this guy!
05-12-2006 10:28 AM GT2000
i guess the silence answered that fer ya
05-12-2006 03:47 AM Marshall
ps: lolol
05-12-2006 03:47 AM Marshall
lol anyone still up at 4:45?
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Mr Biglesworth 45
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