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thecreeper 02-07-2007 08:43 PM

TESTFEST 2007 - LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN!! -- (now with a poll)
ok, so optimus and i are tired of calling you (not really). it's time we meet and do something. i propose TESTFEST 2007. After 8 years talking to some of you, I think it's time to make a commitment. let's hang out.

anyone up for it?

optimus and i were thinking somewhere in PA, possibly Philly or our hometown, Lancaster. We are open to other suggestions too. I think a weekend at the end of May or June would be perfect, classes would be over for most people. We could get a hotel suite for a weekend and make our own Drunk Thread in real life. maybe we could even go see a show and hit some bars. we may even be able to help out with flight fares for those that are far away.

so, any takers?

I added a poll.


raublekick 02-07-2007 08:46 PM

as long as i get to have sex with someone, i am down.

Liss 02-07-2007 09:10 PM

As if you haven't heard this one before, um, I'm in southern California. Make it Vegas and I'm down.

And for the record, I enjoy yalls drunk messages. I loved hearing from Raub the other night (I think it was Raub?) about how DRUNCH you all were.

thecreeper 02-07-2007 09:20 PM

liss, so-cal's not an excuse.

"we may even be able to help out with flight fares for those that are far away."

that's direct from optimus crunk.

GT2000 02-07-2007 09:22 PM

Amish country? No thanks.. here at the beach.. in the summer, you guys would have a much better time.

raublekick 02-07-2007 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by raublekick
as long as i get to have sex with someone, i am down.

scratch that... something

thecreeper 02-07-2007 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Donnie
Amish country? No thanks.. here at the beach.. in the summer, you guys would have a much better time.

like i said, it is negotiable.

Optimus Funk 02-08-2007 01:54 AM

Me and beach= Me drinking mucho whiskey and then swimming in the sea till I find a whale to hug, Also body paint and beach fires rule!

Optimus Funk 02-08-2007 01:57 AM

Whales are huggable right?, Just like fucking emperor penguins!

johnny 02-08-2007 05:57 AM

let me know when you all get to ontario, and we'll party :)

better yet: we could all meet in montreal! that's the party city.

heX 02-08-2007 10:33 AM

we only have till the end of the year to get the canadians in till they are required to have a passport, just putting that out there.

its possible i could go some time this summer, but only if jonah goes.

edit: thats assuming they are driving, if they are flying its already too late.

Mr Biglesworth 02-08-2007 12:35 PM

This isn't really going to happen until we're financially independent, so seeya all in 2017.

raublekick 02-08-2007 01:33 PM

where the hell did you come from?

(see wut i did thar lol)

Marshall 02-08-2007 03:18 PM

Well im in GA and ill be all over the place this summer. We can have a mini test fest wherever I go. Liss, how far are you from san diego?

squirrels2nuts 02-08-2007 08:29 PM

you mean theres people on the other end of these tubes?

test tubes, if you will.

thecreeper 02-08-2007 09:14 PM

don't be poons. let's do this.

Cid 02-08-2007 09:38 PM

I might be moving to Georgia before too long if I can get a job lined there's that. I don't think I'll be going from GA to PA any time soon, but if I'm still in Ohio...suffering...then sure! I'll come make everyone else suffer with me!


Jesse 02-08-2007 09:52 PM

I could be down for this. I now have a part time job, so I could save some scrilla.

Liss 02-08-2007 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Marshall
Liss, how far are you from san diego?

About an hour and a half. I went to the zoo in San Diego recently.

Ooh! Ooh! And I'm running a marathon in San Diego on June 3 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and while I'm on this tangent, if anyone would like to donate to my $3500 fundraising requirement that would be super sweet.

GT2000 02-08-2007 10:08 PM

Yeah, I happened to catch that email in my other inbox, the one ya sent last month, more power to ya Liss, good luck with the raising of the funds.

johnny 02-09-2007 06:11 AM

a marathon?? gosh. do you train alot?

after about 5 or 6 kilometers of running i'm ready to die..

raublekick 02-09-2007 09:34 AM

remember that episode of the Simpsons where Homer chases after Marge, but only makes it about 2 strides before he stops and has to catch his breath for 10 minutes? yeah, that's me.

GT2000 02-09-2007 10:56 AM

Yeah, I'm not quite that bad, however I definitely suffer from blackened smoker's lungs. I sprint when I run, no good at pacing, so after running I'd say a 1/8 - 1/4 mile, I'm all but laying on the ground clutching my chest.

Liss 02-09-2007 05:49 PM

Yea, see, the way I'm training, I run intervals. Like 4-6 minutes running, then a minute walking. It's the only way I can acheive the distance because I can only run like 3-4 miles without stopping (especially outside, as a lifelong treadmiller). I'm expected to complete 26.2 miles for the race, so I'm training a whole hell of a lot, running 5 days a week, and aching from it too.

Stormy 02-09-2007 09:10 PM

You deserve a "most fit Tuber" trophy, Liss!

sharkz 02-09-2007 11:44 PM

Philly is more doable for me than Lancaster thanks to SEPTA.

Cid 02-09-2007 11:53 PM

Anyone else think it's odd that we have these annual TTTfests, with dates and everything that make it look like we have them every year...but they never...EVER happen?

That was along sentence.

Jesse 02-10-2007 01:20 AM

I could set aside some money for busfare to get to PA. At least I think I could anyway.

GT2000 02-10-2007 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Cid
Anyone else think it's odd that we have these annual TTTfests, with dates and everything that make it look like we have them every year...but they never...EVER happen?

That was along sentence.

Yeah, I wait for these posts.. just like that new years thing funk mentioned.. heh. I can't really talk, I own/run the site, and should be the one trying to make these functions happen.. but, I really just wouldn't have the time for them as of now. So like Neil said, check back with me in 10 years. We can have.. uh, naps, and depends, and just for men/rogaine, or something.

Seph 02-10-2007 10:26 AM

I have to agree with Neil, this won't happen until 2017 or sometime..

would be interesting to finally meet everyone. XD

thecreeper 02-10-2007 11:05 AM

it only won't happen if you keep saying it won't.

i'm serious about getting people out here.

sharkz, i can pick you up in philly, i ride septa to work everyday.

jesse, same.

donnie, you can afford a weekend off in the next 4 months.

stormy, you're not far away, if we do go to va, i expect to see you.

zell will come if i bug him. maybe subsy.

it's not like this is impossible.

i'd really like to see johnny and neil and josh too, even if they probably won't come. and liss too. and old man cid. and mike.

just everyone think about it, it would be one hell of a weekend.

Optimus Funk 02-10-2007 02:24 PM

I would be willing to help a brotha out too, with some fundage, and trust me you will not spend mucho amounts of money on liqour and booze, I WILL HAVE THAT COVERED. Also I mean we can most defiantly cover everyone for housing too probably, so if you honkies could just get here(keep in mind my willingness to help out) I am sure you could have an enjoyable time for not much money. Granted I am a newbie here still, I feel I have poured my drunken heart out to you all enough to call you atleast strangers with whom I would get drunk with ;).

johnny 02-10-2007 04:20 PM


Optimus Funk 02-10-2007 05:59 PM

Yes, Johnny even from the picture it's obviously the midget elf girl of Canada! God your even from there, don't you know your own people!(seriously though who are you?)

Stormy 02-11-2007 11:18 AM

Seph used to post here/at other associated boards.

Hello, Seph!

johnny 02-11-2007 12:19 PM

i guess i could have said hello too.. i was just a little surprised. :o

what's new, seph?

heX 02-11-2007 12:32 PM

dating back to the very begining i had a theory that seph was just ghard, since they seemed to follow each other around from message board to message board. if one was a member they bother were and they always supported each other in debates. seph showing up now years later, right after ghard came out of no where, only furthers my suspicions.

Optimus Funk 02-11-2007 02:42 PM

There goes that crazy heX, again! conspiracy this, conspiracy that, conspiracy here, conspiracy there!

Hex now that everyone is fooled into thinging your a just a crazy insane man, tell me more about this ghard/seph thing, we need to get to the bottom of it, before its too late!

Cid 02-12-2007 08:48 AM

OK fine. I would totally do this if it was near enough to my place. I know it'd be a fun time, and I could some fun times.

And now...TTTFest 2007 in emoticons:


Can't wait!

thecreeper 02-12-2007 05:21 PM

excellent. i need some more "maybe"s and less "let's wait 10 years"

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