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thecreeper 10-07-2005 01:40 AM


saw like 10 people i hadnt seen in 2-3 years tonight, it was prolyl the most fun i've had oin a long time. and an amazing jazz-fusion band was playing tonight with some dsam adams summer ale on tap. i miss my friends from north carolina!!

thecreeper 10-16-2005 01:39 AM


i am eating chiken ceaser wrap and pretzels.


Mike 10-16-2005 02:25 AM

I can convince all of you that you don't exist.

teensupernothing 10-17-2005 12:53 PM

yeah, not drunk now, was quite a bit this weekend. went up to penn state to visit the fencing team. fenced all day drank all night x3. sunday moring around three am i actually woke up on a couch outside the fencing house. yeah. i dunno rough (but very fun) weekend.

testtubebaby 10-17-2005 03:15 PM

always with the gothaim fencing... i swear to god, it's like TTT's equivalent to "band camp"

thecreeper 10-17-2005 03:59 PM

jesus, she posts like once a month and yet you still find a way to make it seem like she talks too much. be nice.

johnny 10-17-2005 04:03 PM

you guys aren't drunk!

thecreeper 10-30-2005 02:10 AM

i was dressed like a zombie and drukned holy shit

me and my zombie bride


Liss 10-31-2005 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by caLVin
im really stoned right now...does that count?

When I quit smoking cigarettes, I quit smoking everything. No longer will I be making stony posts. It's been a month and 12 days since I've had any smoke in my system. Me = Official non-smoker!!!

Mr Biglesworth 10-31-2005 05:01 PM

dude you're a fuckin' sweet zombie.
And I've been free of smoke in my body for about 4 months, and before that, about 6 months... until yesterday, that is.

For halloween this year i'm gonna be a student in pajamas writing an essay. It's gonna be scary.

thecreeper 10-31-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth
dude you're a fuckin' sweet zombie.

the best part of the night was when i was half in costume but the makeup was done, and some girl who was tripping balls on some shrooms (i'm guessing) came out of her room and saw me and started freaking out. like hyperventilating and couldn't look at me. i'm pretty sure she thought the wounds were real.

raublekick 11-05-2005 01:56 AM

me and thereamer and optimuscrunk had a crazy time tonight. there are pretzles all over my car thanks to those dingbats, and i just foudn one in my shitr!!


thecreeper 11-05-2005 02:01 AM


oh shit we tore down a roaD CLOEsed sign tonight and rtipped the light off. holy fuck that was fgunI WILL COOSE A PATH THATS CLEAR I WILL CHOSEE FREEEE WILLL!!1


Optimus Funk 11-15-2005 12:21 AM

Its a monday and let me say I havent posted here in quite sometime but make no mistake I have been drunk atleast 67.777777 repeating times drunkered more then most of you like tomnight a MODAY!!!!!!!MONDAYE!!!!, God that show rocked didnt it andrew raublewkick

Optimus Funk 11-15-2005 12:22 AM

If only princess peach was that hot creeper, if onlyt then my white mittens would have been al over that, and still be! tiwce over

Mr Biglesworth 11-15-2005 12:27 AM

hey you guys don't belong here!

Optimus Funk 11-19-2005 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Mr Biglesworth
hey you guys don't belong here!

Who is to say I Optimus of Funk do not elong, you Mr. Biglesmorth are you in leauge with the decepticons(?) sorry I drank alot, ALOT, and spenf more then I drank which equals close to 0$70$ what everey that means!. I apologize to everyone for my outrageousneity, but I wan t to sleep to seee I walk the line which I hope to reiview for Good evile you hear me zach I WANT TO REVIEW!!! more then anything I want to reviews!!!

raublekick 11-19-2005 01:31 AM

you say that now, but who knows what the sober Optimus Funk will say...

hmm... I think I sobered up rather well, not that I was trashed or anything (omg this bar isn't expensive, I swear! haha)

malta 11-25-2005 03:07 AM

Wow I havn't been here for some time. Busy gettin drunk yo!

Yea everything about new hampshires real hazy. We showed up thinking we'd have to be behaved cause we were gonna be at my friends moms house. Her new boyfriend had this small cabin he let us use for a few days, far away from them. We pretty much just did lots of drugs, saw a movie and played super puzzle fighter for 4 days. Fun was had by all.

We should do up the felony juice and have a chatroom.

And about the other stuff... yea acid would have been some fun, but Buffalos been real dry of that for some time. Havn't done the tussin thing for awhile though.

raublekick 12-03-2005 01:49 AM

i went back to pafew 5 truion to fidn this threasd... and it was on page 1 all along!@

and my fucking car door berok and ther'we s corn nurs ion my car!!!

Stormy 12-03-2005 03:46 PM

There's nothing like a room temperature bottle of Windsheimer Reichsstadtbier naturtr

raublekick 12-03-2005 09:59 PM

Eternal Recurrence is the coolest concept evar. I'm thinking about adding a philosophy minor.

Nietzsche would disapprove of your drinking, by the way. Oh, irony.

johnny 12-09-2005 03:42 AM

played at a lennon trinbute show tionight and it was good

pizzas warming kup in the oven come by for a slsice if you want

raublekick 12-11-2005 08:33 PM

work christmas party wooooah

i liek wthe night wherwe our liek "i wanna get cruuuunk", and then you don't drink much and you get trashed...


raublekick 01-28-2006 11:41 PM

dudes we've been totally slacking!

drinking whiskey alone, listening to chip tunes

month old double post!

thecreeper 01-29-2006 12:58 AM

dude, i was drunk earlier, now its down to a moderate buzz. fucking fighting games requiring me to be focused.

Mr Biglesworth 01-29-2006 01:01 AM

yeah i hear ya except for the fighting game part.
there's this bar called old chicago's but we call it old chicougars because it's full of cougars. and man, they weren't kidding.. i had my picks of milfs AND gilfs if you know what i'm talking about...

malta 01-29-2006 04:43 AM

I don't.

Torre82 01-29-2006 07:09 PM

He's talking about his ex guardian forces and Morgasms I Like Faking.

malta 01-29-2006 10:28 PM

You know why I like you bunny? Because you know shit isn't always sweet.

Shit is real.

Torre82 01-29-2006 10:39 PM

Damn straight. Now visit me at my new apartment, bring your own bottle and six pack, and let us reminisce about the future which has to be better than the past. I mean.. ITS GOT TA BE. Because the past had so little booze, so little sex. Way too much sharkz on wonko action. Now with liss, stormy and supernothing lezzing it up in my drunken vision while I .. I'm sorry, what? Post a black gif again.

malta 01-29-2006 11:45 PM

And now, some white people:

Torre82 01-30-2006 12:00 AM

Are they gay?

malta 01-30-2006 02:03 AM

I suspect so.

I still can't feel my brain.

Torre82 01-30-2006 02:09 AM

Make a pot of warm spaghetti and pour hot jello into it. I think they do that on those close your eyes and feel the brains shows.

Torre82 01-31-2006 02:21 AM

Drunk, high, hicks, and typos abound. I would love this place if it didnt remind me so much of myself.

malta 01-31-2006 04:11 AM

*pop* quiz!

testtubebaby 01-31-2006 08:56 AM

why did mr. milo cross the road?

Torre82 02-01-2006 12:55 AM

Cuz his dick was stuck in the chicken?
~ Bruce Willis; The Last Boy Scout

testtubebaby 02-01-2006 05:11 AM

wow, i'm so glad someone got that

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