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Liss 02-25-2006 05:17 PM

this thing is 10 pages long and it just now occured to me that the 'your' in the title is improper.

is it bad if im drinking at 3 in the afternoon, watching the wedding singer on big screen tv by myself and cooking chicken soup? i used to never drink by myself. for once im really glad that i dont know you guys cuz you know such shameful things about me. Idont think im drunk yet though.

Liss 02-25-2006 05:22 PM

and for the record it is kick ass chicken soup, in case anyone was wondering. I make the best chicken soup ever. Homemade, all natural. And look, suddenly were on page 11!

Stormy 02-26-2006 12:10 AM

It's okay, Liss. As long as you aren't drinking to get sloshed, and only to get buzzed.

Christ. For some reason, I'm having problems typing, even though I rarely do when drunk.

raublekick 02-26-2006 01:41 AM


Marshall 02-26-2006 10:34 AM

i hate all of you

thecreeper 02-26-2006 11:13 AM

sorry marshall, i was too trashed to be creative and call last night. i did sing black sabbath "heaven and hell" and pearl jam "black" at the bar though. last night was fucking radd.

raublekick 02-26-2006 10:01 PM

man those chicks were so smokin', even if they were at least 5 years older than us. i just wish i wasn't fully aware that they were bullshitting us.

Stormy 02-26-2006 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by thecreeper
sorry marshall, i was too trashed to be creative and call last night. i did sing black sabbath "heaven and hell" and pearl jam "black" at the bar though. last night was fucking radd.

Did you fuck Rad, or did you make love to him?

thecreeper 02-27-2006 10:00 AM

i put two d's to indicate i was NOT fucking him.

and of course, i always make love to him.

Liss 02-27-2006 12:40 PM

I thought it was just to emphasize his radness.

Liss 03-03-2006 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Liss
First time I've ever posted drunk. I'm miserably drinking alone..almost done with a full bottle of two buck chuck shiraz (bless trader joes) and am also on pain killers for the wrist. And I wrote a paper on something about the USSRs perception of democracy in the cold wa.r

I am getting drunk by myself to write every single paper in my future. A plus, bishes ("A++, excellent job, Melissa!!") her red pen had sex with it my words ("Yes! Yes! Yes! Fantastic! Great! Yes! Yes!"). Who would have known I was so brilliant when it came to Andrei Zhdanov?

Apparently two buck chuck shiraz brings out my potential to impress.

The next paper is on methods of decolonization and national liberation...I think that sounds like a chardonnay topic.

johnny 03-03-2006 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Liss
Who would have known I was so brilliant when it came to Andrei Zhdanov?

we have suspected as much for quite some time now

Stormy 03-04-2006 12:09 AM


Mike 03-04-2006 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Stormy

I'm not drunk, just drinking.

- Albert Collins

Torre82 03-10-2006 04:50 PM

:laughs maniacally: I am drunk. And getting drunker. I've got some bacardi gold and yeah, wild irish rose I need to finish off. Not tonight, mind you.. .that'd cause about two different vomit episodes and crappy sleep.

Listening to teh auhsum teknoh and waiting for Tristan to show up so I'm not alone.

Ah well.. lessee hee.. Liss at class, raditz.. whereever TF he is. Online for 20 mins and he didnt reply. Just WTF does he do these days, anyway?

J Chriddy.. forget who that is.

Raub.. nah.

::opens GSX list::

wonder who chrisdaddy2087 is...

More as the drunkness develops. ;)

Marshall 03-11-2006 12:26 AM

Jchriddy = me

raublekick 03-11-2006 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Torre82
Raub.. nah.

Are you the one who IMed me about my sexy thumb? I'm bad with screen names.

Liss 03-11-2006 04:24 PM

Ah, the computer nerd's equivalent to the drunk dial.

I got drunk dialled twice last night. I did not pick up. The first message went like this:
Hello Melissa, it's MEGHAN! I just wanted to say you're really cool, and I'm REALLY drunk! The point is, I TOTALLY love hanging out with you, and I'm TOTALLY sad you're not in LA in this weekend. And I'm TOTALLY drunk! Next time we have a break together, let's take a road trip to ALABAMA! It'll be TOTALLY cool! We can go to the beach, and get really DRUNK ALL THE TIME! Anyway, the point is, I like to drunk dial people that are TOTALLY cool! So now I have to go call RYAN! And drink MORE! BYE!

The second went like this:
OH MY GOD! MELISSA! Me and Elise were just talking about you...sorry, I'm totally plastered. Anyway, we were laughing really hard about that time in high school in marine biology class when...hahah...when you and Katie...hahah...and all the inside jokes we got...hahaha...I know, totally. Anyway, we totally miss you. Fly to Montgomery and we'll pick you up and bring you to Tuscaloosa..just for one night even! And..hahah, I totally know, okay, hahaha, yea, love ya, bye.

I, on the other hand, just wanted to spend one Friday--just one--as far away from alcohol as I could get. I was scarred at my last party, and I needed one goddamn Friday off. So I wrote, and went to bed early, thus missing my stupid friends' phonecalls.

squirrels2nuts 03-13-2006 02:04 PM

holy shit i ran outta beer before i got to the end of this fuckin crap.
haha a long time ago me and my friends got kicked outta ol' chigcougars on kareoke night... we stole a bunch of glasses and kicked their fuckin stools over then did a burnout from the parking lot when they cut us off. i sang wrong way, people clapped, my friends sang here for a good time by trooper terribly offkey and off time. fuckin awesome.
drinks of choice? how about fitty labatt 50's and a 60oz of Wiser's deluxe?
fuck, im even wearing a 50 shirt and i have a wiser's leather jacket.
on saturday i drank 7 50's during the day then a mick of wisers with Jes and went and got tanked on the tank in victoria park, the salt lounge, gt's and drank till 7am with some guy from highschools house who i never talked to but it was his birthday... he has an extensive expensive guitar colelction...
the night before we got kicked out after the leafs game at the oar house. i pretended i didnt know the girl who was kissin us and bouncin around like molly shannon from snl. i was wearing my "rub my nuts for good luck shirt" so she rubbed my nipples, then grabbed the goods. i still think she lost.
the night before that i went to gt's for toonie beers and drinks with no money at all and got pretty drunk for free on my buddy's birthday while one guy couldnt stand up and faceplanted into a fence while trying to either piss or puke some poutine.


johnny 03-13-2006 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by squirrels2nuts
labatt 50

export is the superior ale!

also you should try singing raise a little hell by trooper next time

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